I started Dry Humor Marketing because I believe marketing is seriously fun. I take strategy and data seriously so my clients aren’t just throwing things against the wall to see what sticks. I also help my clients craft authentic stories that inspire people to act. 

But most of all, I make marketing fun by injecting a little levity, because we all need a good laugh every day.

My company is called Dry Humor Marketing because I’ve been told I have a dry sense of humor. I take that to mean that I think I’m smarter than the next guy and also my jokes aren’t funny. Either way, I know that the best marketing messages stick because they move people emotionally and/or they brighten someone’s day with some humor. I help my clients find the right style of humor that gets their message remembered by their customers.

Humor is no replacement for authenticity, though. I don’t craft messages to be funny for funny…ness sake. My clients are passionate about their products and services, so I help them tell their story in a way that shows the true impact of their business. Everyone loves a good story.

However, humor AND authenticity don’t get you very far without serious strategy. I educate my clients on the latest trends and tools in the marketing world to get real results. I follow the data to fashion the message, and then I use new data from each campaign to refine and innovate that message.

Portrait of owner Stephen Custer

My company is called Dry Humor Marketing because I’ve been told I have a dry sense of humor. I take that to mean that I think I’m smarter than the next guy and also my jokes aren’t funny. Either way, I know that the best marketing messages stick because they move people emotionally and/or they brighten someone’s day with some humor. I help my clients find the right style of humor that gets their message remembered by their customers.

I’ve honed my craft working in digital marketing for businesses like Abbey Carpet Care, non-profits like Salem Alliance Church and NOE International, and even a government agency; our local transit system called Cherriots.

Are you serious about strategy when it comes to marketing? Do you know how to tell your story in a way that moves your customers? Do you want to have fun with your marketing? Give me a call at 503-991-4637 or email me at stephen@dryhumormarketing.com and I’ll help you craft some seriously fun digital marketing for your business.